15 January 2015

Book Sale.. Sale.. Sale.. Murah Meriah


Aku kembali lagi di hari Kamis yang mendung ini. Aku sering bilang kalau mendung gini : Cloudy. Rain. Rainbow. Happy.

Aku cuma pingin kasih info ajah. Kalau aku mau Sale buku-buku aku yang masih bagus, jadi istilahnya Garage Sale. Kamu berminat? Boleh langsung lihat di bawah ini, buku apa aja yang aku Sale. Untuk cara pembeliannya, bisa langsung baca Rulesnya dibawah ini :

Rules Garage Sale Asri :
1. Pick a book what you want to buy
2. Send an email to : asri.r26@gmail.com with subject : Garage Sale Asri + book what you want to buy. In body email : Name, Address, No HP
3. Wait until I reply to your email and give a total of purchases that you do and give information where you have to transfer the payment
4. After you transfer the payment, hope confirmation your transfer to e-mail : asri.r26@gmail.com
5. I'll send your book using JNE, you can wait your book and after you receive the package, send an email or give a comment to my blog

Book Sale.. Garage Sale..

That Summer Breeze
Rp 25.000,- 

 Cinta Itu Kamu
Rp 30.000,-

 Love Command : The First Fall
Rp 32.000,-

 Secret Admirer
Rp 28.000,-

 Desperately in Love
Rp 20.000,-

 Siapa Bilang Melahirkan Itu Sakit?
Rp 40.000,-

 Assalamu'alaikum Beijing
Rp 43.000,-
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